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Monday, May 25, 2015


  A few years ago, we acquired a little one-eyed pug. She was a puppy, and chewed up everything in the house. We all were annoyed by her constantly destroying things, and training her to be house broken. She looked really stupid, and the running joke in the house was she was "slow". Eventually we grew to love her and she quickly became a intricate part of the family.
     Last night was just another regular night. I was sitting on the couch, throwing her favorite toy, and she was fetching it and bringing it back to me. I stepped outside for a minute, and she followed. A loud truck was passing, and Pugsy ran to chase it. Within a blink of an eye, the truck ran over her. I rushed to the road, and to my horror, I see her on the road; motionless. Her little skull was crushed. I frantically picked her up and carried her to the backyard.
     I will bury her in a little while, as I don't want her in the heat of the day. It's amazing how losing a pet effects you. I am still numb and traumatized from the whole event. I will miss the stupid little dog greatly. Luckily my daughters we staying with their grandmother last night, and they are still unaware. I dread telling them because they will be devastated. This Memorial Day is going to be a horrible day for all of us. RIP Pugsy. We all loved you, and will miss you more than I thought possible...

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