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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


At this point I am not chalking up all the recent events in my life as "bad luck". I am cursed. There really is no other explanation. I have never met ANYONE who has this many consecutive bad occurrences happen to them. I can understand car problems, loss of jobs, marriage issues, and a general lack of funds, but for this level of bad things coupled with the regularity, can only mean one thing... A CURSE... I have no idea what witch invoked the spirits to cause such mayhem, but I need this hex removed ASAP! I know this sounds like a half-hearted attempt at satire, but I am truly starting to think that there are more sinister powers at work here. I'll give it to the end of the week (possibly today), for my mind to be changed about this, but if ONE more bad thing happens to me right now, I'll know that someone or something is truly working against me...


Anonymous said...

I hate that we all didnt have a chance to say good bye and all our rants and raves fell on deaf ears. I will continue to hold you and your fam in my prayers. Certain that things will turn your way much sooner than later.

DP 10/16/12

Teddra Eaton said...

Mr.hoover we love you and will miss you even though at this point its not enough to keep you here with us you wlll be with us in spirit. I do agree that evil forces are out to get us and make our lives a livivng hell but with negative there will come a positive

ChickenD said...

I do not think you are cursed, however bad things always happen to good people, and whoever said they only happen in threes was a huge liar. Hang in there things will get better.

Anonymous said...

Your not cursed life is simply changing... perhaps you weren't where you were destined to be. You have touched many lives. YOU have touched mine in more ways than you can ever imagine. I miss having you in my life and I am certain there are many more that feel the same...

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