Featured Post

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Beneath the vast and starry desert sky,
Where silence sings and arid breezes sigh,
The cacti stand like sentinels of time,
And mountains rise, majestic and sublime.

The sun retreats; its fiery eye does close,
As twilight brings the day to its repose.
A world of hues—orange, pink, and gold,
A beauty stark, a sight to behold.

But then I turn to southern paths I roam,
To humid air, to chaos, and to home.
Where kudzu climbs and wraps its leafy arms,
And thunderstorms unleash their fierce alarms.

The mundane life, with all its toil and strife,
A stark contrast to desert's tranquil life.
Yet in this chaos, in this wild uproar,
I find the heart of what I'm longing for.

For home is where our stories all unfold,
In whispers of the new and tales of old.
And though disaster may its visage show,
It's here, in tumult, that we truly grow.

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