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Thursday, May 13, 2021

What happened?

I was watching a young guy sweep up outside a business this morning donning a mask as he quietly swept alone... Outside... Where did the American sense of defiance go? We used to be country that always questioned authority. Now we are frightened little rabbits scared of our own shadows as we suck from the teat of the media. This has turned into a soft, brainwashed culture, all too eager to give up our freedoms under the guise of safety. We have all lined up uniformly to follow the commands of the state. Where did that questioning of the narrative go? Where did that American sense of NOT falling into line go? We hated the tyranny of Britain so much we fought and won to form a more free society. Sadly we have turned into something much worse. A compliant, rule following, unquestioning populist on the verge of being captives by our own devices. I say stand up! Be Americans! Say hell no to this mandated vaccine! Burn these stupid masks in the streets! Tell this media and this government that we will not go quietly into the night! It is time to tell them all.... FUCK YOU!

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