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Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I try to be magnanimous towards the insanity in which I find myself entrenched. I try to be the rock in this flimsy world. I Float high above my hospital bed. I see tiny lights surrounding me as I drift peacefully into the still nothingness. I fly high above this tyrannical fascist world, onto a plain where there is no war. Lies swirl around my head like annoying, little fucking mosquitoes, sucking droplets of sanity with each unassuming bite. The truth shines in the distance, blinding me with its self-righteousness. Doubt infiltrates my placid thoughts, and I'm thrown into triumphant obscurity. As I begin my decent through the warm summer sky, I hear the ringing of a phone. I awaken in my own bed... It was all but a dream. I could use a drink about now, and try to figure out what all of this means, or I could go back to sleep, and simply dream another dream....

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