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Friday, September 20, 2013

Save Me

Lock me in the bedroom with a loaded .45...
Check on me tomorrow to see if I'm alive...
Release me from my nightmare...
Shake me til I wake...
The me that you know is a replicated fake...
Restrain my hands so I can't pick at this open sore...
Forgive my indiscretions, and scrape me off the floor...
My ugly nemesis glares at me from the mirror on the wall...
He screams at me obscenities, and laughs when I fall...
Can you save me from that thing?
The one under my bed?
Can you save me from the monsters that run
rampant in my head?
Can you refer me to a doctor to alleviate my pain?
Can she inject me with some relief in my eager, willing vein?
Can you sing to me that song; the one we used to know?
Can you help me find God, before you have to go?

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